Unlock Your Creative Potential

And Build Your Small Business From Home

With Courses And Products Handcrafted For Small Business Owners .



Social Media Superstars

Learn how to schedule and automate your social media with Social Media Superstars.

This course was designed specifically for small business owners who struggle with time management, and the stresses that come with being consistent on social media.

Don't let lack of time hold back your online presence - join Social Media Superstars today!

Mastering Social Media Success

Learn how to overcome your social media challenges and unlock your growth potential with Mastering Social Media Success.

Perfect for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking to maximize their social media impact.

Discover the strategies you need to succeed today!

Small Business Bestie

Small Business Bestie is a specially designed spreadsheet available for Microsoft Excel.

It offers a range of features to help small handmade businesses effectively price their products, track inventory, manage expenses, and view their business at a glance.

With over 100 different currencies supported.

Hi! I'm Jamela!

A Crafts & Handmade Business Mentor specializing in helping creatives and small business owners overcome the challenges of time and consistency in social media posting.

Are you struggling to maintain a consistent online presence while juggling the demands of running your business? Look no further!

I am here to teach you my proven blueprint for social media scheduling and automation, empowering you to schedule out months of content with just a few hours a month.

Let's transform your social media accounts into powerful marketing tools that attract, engage, and convert your ideal audience.

See What We

Have For You

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