Say Goodbye to Pricing Panic with the Easy Product Pricing Workbook!

(Grab Yours Now This Price Wont Last Long)

Boost Your Handmade Business's Bottom Line!

Are you tired of struggling to make a profit with your handmade products? If you answered yes then this Easy Product Pricing Workbook is your solution to accurately pricing your products. Say goodbye to the frustration of being unsure of your pricing and hello to a profitable and fulfilling handmade business journey with the Free Easy Product Pricing Workbook!

No More Guesswork with our PDF Printable Product Pricing Workbook

(And Simplify Your Pricing Strategy)

Have you ever found yourself staring at your craft products, wondering how on earth you're supposed to price it? The struggle is real for handmade and craft businesses. We pour our heart and soul into our creations, but when it comes to attaching a price tag, many of us find ourselves in a world of confusion. It's enough to make anyone's head spin.

What should we include in our pricing?

  • The cost of materials?

  • The time spent creating?

  • What about the value of our unique creativity and skills?

This confusion isn't just frustrating, it's actually holding us back from achieving our goals. Without a clear understanding of how to price our products accurately, we run the risk of underselling our work, which could lead to financial instability and a lack of growth for our business. It can also affect the perceived value of our products. If we're constantly underselling ourselves, customers may start to question the quality of our work.

On the flip side, if we overprice our products without a clear understanding of why we're charging what we're charging, we risk alienating our customer base. They may feel like they're being taken advantage of, or they may simply not see the value in our products. This can lead to decreased sales and a damaged reputation. Either way, it's clear that the struggle with pricing isn't just a minor inconvenience, it's a major barrier to success.

This confusion isn't just frustrating, it's actually holding us back from achieving our goals. Without a clear understanding of how to price our products accurately, we run the risk of underselling our work, which could lead to financial instability and a lack of growth for our business. It can also affect the perceived value of our products. If we're constantly underselling ourselves, customers may start to question the quality of our work.

On the flip side, if we overprice our products without a clear understanding of why we're charging what we're charging, we risk alienating our customer base. They may feel like they're being taken advantage of, or they may simply not see the value in our products. This can lead to decreased sales and a damaged reputation. Either way, it's clear that the struggle with pricing isn't just a minor inconvenience, it's a major barrier to success.

With This Free Workbook, You Will…

  • Gain Clarity: No more second-guessing or underpricing your products. This workbook will provide you with crystal clear insights into the true value of your handmade creations. Say hello to confidence and goodbye to doubt.

  • Maximize Profitability: Learn how to price your products in a way that ensures maximum profitability. Watch your revenue grow and your business thrive.

  • Stay Competitive: In today's saturated market, it's crucial to stay competitive without compromising your profit margins. The Easy Product Pricing Workbook will equip you with the tools to find that perfect balance, allowing you to stand out among your competitors.

  • Understand Costs: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your production costs, including materials, labor, and overhead expenses. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisiColor Header Arrowons that contribute to your bottom line.

Stop Underselling Your Handmade Products Today!

I get it! I have been there, this is the exact formula I used to finally be able to quit my day job! Trying to price our handmade goods on the fly makes it hard to include important things such as overhead and even labor. With this handy workbook you will finally be able to price your products in a way that guarantees you a profit!


I'm always forgetting to include costs like materials or time in my pricing. Does this workbook cover such aspects?

The workbook includes everything so you don't miss anything. Labor costs, Materials, Overhead, and profit Margin!

How will I get the product after I purchase it?

You will get an email containing the files for you to download.

What is your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this product refunds are not accepted.

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